Friday, September 18, 2015

Should I Contribute More In Our Project?

Morning ma. Please ma advice me.
I earn more than twice what my husband earns. I knew it even before I married him because he was transparent enough to show me when he got one of his salary alerts that was before we got married.
Now he does his transactions secretly without letting me know. Before with his own arrangement he used to hand over everything(money) to me to handle and manage our house.
When he stopped I confronted him and we talked about it.
Though he still doesn't give me but tells me at least some of his dealings. I provide in the house when he doesn't but he now started seeing it as my responsibility so I reduced the rate at which I do that.
When I disclosed it with my mum, she warned me about it, I should be careful before he hands over every thing to me. The main problem now is that we want to start our house project and so far I contributed more than him but am beginning to get confused because of what my closest are telling me, that I should not be the driver because he is the man.
But what I look at myself is that if I should support him less than that it might take a very long time.
Am confused too, owing to the fact that when I supported him during our wedding he turned the whole thing around with a statement he made in one of our argument that he did not give me any wedding ring I gave myself because it was one of the things I helped him buy when we went shopping and his money got exhausted.
What do you think I should do now. I will appreciate your advice ma

One thing I must encourage you not to do is to make the opinions of the third party a priority in your own marriage. 
He is the man and the home is yours. Nobody knows the mechanics and the make up of your home except you and your husband and nobody else has all it takes to make your home a huge success except you. 
Granted that his income maybe low, please do not let the issues of finances make you lose your husband or make him feel emotionally crushed by your attitude. 
Two things that boost the confidence of a man is his manhood and his pocket-size and anything that affects him in those two sensitive areas of his life will always make him act in a funny manner. 
Maybe there's a lot of competition going on between you and him and I feel that it's not healthy for your marriage. 
Whether you earn more than him or he earns less than you, please open your heart and build your home. 
The house which you and your husband build is for the benefit of you and your children. 
The luxuries of life which you acquire is for your comfort and for his own comfort. 
While he may be acting the way he did, there must have been something which you intentionally or unconsciously did which made him withdraw to his own shell and should you allow the opinions of others to bear fruits in your marriage, you will live with the consequences. 
Take your time to organise your home and support your husband in anyway possible without looking at who is bringing more funds than the other. 
Marriage is your personal journey with God and your husband, all you do is unto God while your husband is only a witness to your commitment and faithfulness. 
Do not give up on your marriage or your husband, ignore some of his unpleasant attitude and love him for who he is. 
Respect him and appreciate him as much as you can and please do not compare or remind him of your paycheck. 
Seek for his opinions and counsels and always appreciate his little efforts to providing some of what you need. 
I am hopeful that God will give you the wisdom and patience and understanding to build a home that the world will someday celebrate in times to come. 
I must admit that you are an awesome lady and heaven will never forsake your labour of love in your home and no evil shall befall your home and marriage in Jesus name Amen. 

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