Sunday, January 3, 2016

How Do I Discover my PURPOSE and VISION in Life?

Good evening ma,may God bless you for the good things that you are doing for this generation. Ma,please I need a answer. How do I discover my PURPOSE and VISION? And how do I go about fulfilling it?
I'm a teenager,I'm in 200L in one of the Federal Universities in Nigeria. I'm an ardent follower of your page and I usually come across the above (purpose and vision) in most of your advice to people.
Please ma,I need an answer. Thank you!

From your mail it shows that you truly follow my response to most of the mails I attend to and I must commend your desire and zeal to learn and equip yourself with the virtues and wisdom that you need to fulfil God's purpose for your life. 
What is this Purpose? 
Purpose is simply understanding why God brought you into this universe and what he is preparing you to fulfil in your life time. 
From the word of God we know that before you were conceived in your mother's womb, God knew your identity and personality and before you were delivered by your mother, God has ordained you for a particular purpose and has equipped you with all that you need to fulfil his purpose for which God has looked into the universe and said that the world definitely is in dire need of you and he sent you to come and achieve that purpose. 
Most times out of our desire to make money, achieve fame, be more enlightened and possess the world, we tend to forget that we are actually not roaming on earth simply because God felt that he wanted individuals who will be running left and right and be living as we please. 
Most of us get lost in the issues of life that we tend to forget that we were ordained in our womb and not by our parents or relatives and as such we are answerable to God for what we do with our life on earth. 
Because our purpose is with God, there is no way we can decipher God's purpose for our life if we do not have a personal relationship with Him who loved and still loves us so much that he's willing to give up his all simply to see us prosper and fulfil His purpose for our lives. 
When you get so close to God, he will reveal himself to you, giving you a burden that consumes your heart daily and giving you a passion that you can't do without. 
Because you meditate on God's word and daily seek his face to know what he has in mind for you, you will never make any decision without consulting him and hearing explicitly from him. 
One thing about purpose is that is not necessarily what you do to make money but what God has ordained you to do to help humanity and please God who has made you. It's not what you boast about or what you acquire as a possession but it's a yearning that whenever you wake up, God is asking you, "my daughter, what can we do to reach out to the lost?" why are there many who are oppressed in our society and what would God want me to do to help them? The world is dying of a sickness and did God call me to bring a solution to save thousands of people from such a sickness? 
You see your purpose in life must be pleasing to God and will also bring fulfilment in your life and destiny. 
It wouldn't necessarily be about making money but because you are meeting the needs of others and serving God in all humility, there is no way He won't reward you with enough resources to meet your needs.
So always have it in mind that everything you have been exposed to or have experienced or have received in life was never an accident but God's own way of preparing you for the very purpose for which he thought about you and was convinced that you can accomplish His purpose for your life. 
And what is vision?
It's like a light to guide your path to fulfilling your purpose in life. It's understanding that you are not a casual staff on earth or merely here because there was no other alternative than for you to be where you are. It's understanding that there is somewhere God is taking you to and understanding what he would love you to acquire in the course of your journey so that you will get to your destination without choking up on the road. 
Just like you cannot understand your purpose when you do not have a personal relationship with God, you cannot discover your vision in life when you are far from the one who created the universe. 
If you want to travel to Russia, and you board a plane going to Ghana, there is no way you will land in Russia because the pilot is heading for Ghana and never Russia and many a times most individuals make the mistake of joining the wrong flight and end up stranded and in a strange location. 
Why do you need to discover your purpose and vision in life before considering marriage? 
It's simply because every individual has a purpose and a calling for his or her life. Some were called to be business men and women, some preachers, some doctors, some leaders, some singers and musicians, some prophets, some transporters and the list goes on and on. And because our ministries differ, we need different exposure, training, and assistance for us to accomplish this great task God has entrusted into our hands and this we cannot do by associating with individuals whose calling are different from ours or those who do not even know what their purpose are in life and have no idea where God is taking them to. They only sleep, wake up, eat and drink and that's all that matters to them. 
When purpose is known, there is no way you will abuse the grace of God in your life or make careless mistakes or gamble with the privileges that God has blessed you with. 
When you have a vision for your life, you won't be hanging around everyone else but only those who are heading in your direction and destination in life. In school there are those whose vision is to graduate with a first class while there are those whose vision is to finish with a third class and the funny thing is that they all work towards their vision but some end up with many regrets while others rejoice.
When you know your vision and purpose for your life, you won't be dating two partner in your life while praying that one works out or try to gamble with sex to find out whether you will get pregnant or exploit their innocence because no two individuals have the same purpose, qualities and virtues that you need to accomplish your purpose for your life.
When you know your purpose and vision in life, you will never compare one individual with another because they can never have the same vision or purpose for their lives. 
When you know your purpose and vision in life, you won't focus on the temporary things of life like wealth, fame, and the luxuries of life but you will focus on the eternal things like does he have a personal relationship with God which is the foundation of every Godly purpose and vision in life, does he or she have a purpose or passion to live for and am I willing to support him or her to fulfill his purpose or her purpose in life? 
The simplest way to fulfill God's purpose for your life and working in your vision is to walk closely with God, have a personal relationship with Him and meditating on his word that whenever he whispers to you, you will hear him and when you do, you will basically obey him and not justify why you should do your own bidding. 
Anyone who doesn't have a personal relationship with God, cannot hear from him and if you cannot hear from God, how do you hope to fulfill the purpose which he ordained you for even before you came? 
From Abraham to Jesus Christ, God never brought any of them by accident and their lives testified to the fact that they were called for a specific and a specified purpose in life and they knew that they were here to fulfil God's purpose which was why they separated themselves from the world and walked with God and you can testify that their life was a blessing to the universe. 
The question that purpose and vision daily asks every individual on earth is "Will your life be a blessing to the universe and those around you in years to come?" 
The answer to that question depends greatly on your decisions today and your personal relationship with God!

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