Gm ma.pls ma I need ur help.i am a girl of 23 years old.There is this friend of mine dat av known for years in school. Jus last month she told me about how she broke up wit her boyfriend nd the reasoning for that was their blood group which was both AS.i encouraged her to move on with her life.Jus last month she invited me to her bday nd dat former boyfriend of hers was present at the party.He tried dancing wit me so many times.He was eager to talk to me during the party but I didn't give him the chance until he asked for my number which I gave him cos he rily pestered me.My frnd was not aware.We got talking on the fone 3days after d party until he told me he wanted to date me.i pretended not to knw Wat happened Btw him and his girlfriend. I told him I can't date my frnds boyfriend until he told me his own story about the break up nd dat he's not dating her anymore and he wants to move on wit his life.I called my frnd to inform her Wats going on nd she gave me her consent that we can go on since they are no more dating but i told her I wont be able to date the guy.Presently she doesn't av any relationship nd she's still heartbroken on her former relationship.Pls how do ideal wit this.This guy calls me evry now and then and I jus broke up wit my bf few months ago nd an still trying to get ova it.Am confused cos I feel it's wrong to date dis guy nd my frnd might not rily b happy wit me.PLS ADVICE MEEEE.AM CINFUSED
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