please ma am an ardent fan and i would appreciate it if you would post my story.
Ma i have a fiance who i like ( not love, i can't fall in love, i dont know why) we will be doing our traditional marriage by december but ma some things he does makes me doubt him a lot.
Most times he calls me when am alone in my parents house asking if he can visit(he is a bank marketer) and i usually say no but on a very good day he came unexpectedly when everybody went out (work and school hours) and while gisting he asked for us to enter my room and have sex but i picked offense, to me its not morally right to do that in my parents house I see it as a disrepect to them but he doesnt.
Finally i told him to leave and he left angrily. He still wants to marry me but i see such behaviour as too wrong. who knows he might be the type of men that brings their mistresses to their matrimonal bed and am having second thoughts about it.
Also he had an affair with his married branch manager and was transferred.
We dont have sex yet but we do romance and thats what he was gunning for always. Thank you Ma.
Dear sender,
In as much as his past may not have been as beautiful as you wished, I am trying to understand why you feel that he would bring his mistress home.
He only felt that since you enjoy romance in the comfort of your parents house, having sex wouldn't be any different or will it?
He had affairs in the past but presently is he having the same with another lady?
He is only human to have desired to taste what he has been touching and massaging and if you are serious about helping him become disciplined, you would limit the exercise till when he has paid his dues.
Whatever fears you have about his personality and his intentions, do well to discuss them with him and if you truly like him as you said, then give him your heart to love you as imperfect as he maybe to you.
Maybe with time, he will learn to love you as you desire but based on your mail I can only see two adults who are interested in each other and desire to explore the zone of special interest.
Take your time to pray and ask God to reveal the things your eyes may not see so that you do not marry someone who wouldn't make you happy nor give you the peace of mind.
Dear,considering your current emotional state,don't you think you should take some time off relationships,to go and learn more about yourself,life,your purpose in life,your relationship with God,marriage,love,what you really want from life,and the right things to look for in a potential husband? Personally,I don't think it is safe for you to go into marriage in this current state of yours. Go get your emotions and values repaired,and get back in the game! Lol...... Books,mp3s,videos,etc. by people like Joseph Prince, Myles Munroe, Tekena Ikoko, Heather Lindsey, Steve Harris, Olumide Emmanuel, Sam Oye, Joshua Harris,etc...... will greatly help in this regard. I wish you the best.
Now,concerning your man: If he cannot control himself yesterday and today,how will he be able to control himself tomorrow? More and greater temptations are coming! How will he survive? Raise your standards,and never lower your godly standards for anybody - it is for their and your safety. A man/woman without SELF-CONTROL/CHARACTER,is not fit for marriage yet. Let them grow up! #QuickDownloads™101