Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hairs on a Man's Body

The hair grows out of the follicle at an angle to the surface of the skin, following the natural contours of the body. 
A terminal hair consists of two main portions:
-The root, which is below the surface of the skin at the base of the follicle 
-The shaft which extends above the skin surface and is made of dead keratinized cells.

The masculine nature makes it necessary for a man to have hairs all over his body. Most ladies do not fancy men that are hairless, but guys, life is all about moderation. I will talk on hairs present on different parts of the body-the head, the face (eyebrows, nostrils, ears) back and shoulder and the pubic region.

Among the first things
people look at when they come in contact with you is your hair style. It says a lot about you. It doesn’t matter how you want to carry your hair-afro, short, dreadlocks, or bald. What matters is your ability to keep it neat and groomed at all times. I must say this, dont go for styles simply because it’s in vogue. Make sure it’s suitable for your facial structure, career and lifestyle. It should also match your body shape, complexion, eye colour, and hair type.

It is always advisable visiting a qualified hair stylist if you can’t make this choice alone.Dont let your hair make you look older than your age. They say that men with graying hair look distinguished. Well that’s great and all, but please don’t be too eager to welcome the grays. Save the “distinguished” for later. Keeping your hair short if you are balding is better than some sort of comb-over or funky grow-out where you still have hair. And let’s be honest, a comb over isn’t fooling anyone, embrace your balding self.

The beauty of a man’s face lies more in his ability to take care of his facial hair. Let’s take a look at the beards. Because the hair on your face is somewhat different than that on your head, caring for your beards requires a modified set of instruction. From a full beard to a goatee, moustache or soul patch, you should keep clean at all times. In addition to cleaning and conditioning, keeping you beard well groomed is essential. 

Tips on taking care of your beard
-To give your beard the best shape possible, find a good barber and have it trimmed professionally. After this, you can go on doing your home thing and visit a professional once in a while.
-A clear shaving oil will allow you to see what you are shaving and will help ensure clean lines around your beards..
-Invest in a good trimmer
-Colour carefully if you must.
-For the boys who want to show off a clean shave that is free of redness and nick
-Using a glycerine or aloe-based shaving cream will not only soothe your skin, but they will allow your razor to glide across your face.
- Finish with a soothing after shave balm or your daily moisturizer with a sun protection factor (SPF), not less than 15. 
-Please stay away from alcohol-based after shaves; they often irritate your skin.

Pubic Hair 
Guys, it’s time to clear that bush in your private area. Bikini waxing is no longer gender –specific. I know it could be a very tough task for some guys. If you are one of such people, it will only take a 30-60 minutes visit to the spa to get it done professionally. Whether you do it at home or the spa, learn to use a very mild exfoliator 24 hours after. Shaving only takes hair even with the skin, waxing will keep hair away, weeks at a time. Use a cortisone cream if area starts getting itchy.

A good number of ladies dislike hair on the back, but are too embarrassed to tell their mate. According to a Harris interactive survey of 1000, more than ninety percent of women between the ages of eighteen and forty-four find back hair unattractive. Women want to see the man’s back smooth and sexy. I would sincerely advice you to visit a trained beauty therapist who would do an analysis of your skin, use the right product or method for your skin type, and advice on home care products. You can as well decide to shave at home but I must tell you this; shaving, while simple and relatively inexpensive, can leave you prone to ingrown hairs, and may leave the hair more noticeable as it grows due to the blunt tip of the hair shaft.

Nose, Ears, and Eyes
Guys, stop thinking grooming is a ladies thing. It is time you take care of the hairs growing out of your nostrils and ears, they make you look untidy. You need hairs in your nostrils, but not those ones growing out. It doesn't cost much, you can get the trimmer with as little as $5. If you have the money, routinely visit a spa to have the hairs removed professionally. Get the grays off your brows. Let the professionals give you the right arch and thickness to frame your face beautifully.

The armpit, if left unshaved for a long time can lead to excessive sweating and body odour. The forest under your arm doesn't look good at all. If you are one of those complaining of dark under arm, try this simple tip. Use a pumice stone to scrub your dark points daily and exfoliate weekly. Apply a brightening serum, possibly a vitamin E serum and moisturizer afterwards.

Please get rid of those unwanted hairs. "Manscaping"as it is donned, would include trimming and shaving where necessary (or permanent hair removal if you so choose). 

There are several methods of hair removal available in the beauty industry; shaving, waxing, laser, sugaring, tweezing.depilatories, electrolysis,  threading. Choose what is right for you.

If you are bothered by the freckles on your face and neck, there are machines available in the beauty industry, specially designed to get rid of those freckles as well as unwanted hair. It usually takes a course of treatment (6-8 sessions) to effectively control it. 

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