Thursday, January 19, 2017

Should I Allow Him to Support My Baby?

Hi Aunt Amara. Blessings for your good work, I really need help. I have been dating him for two years and this could have been the third year. On July last year I discovered that I was pregnant and it was on the same month that he was to introduce me to his family. 

After I broke the pregnancy news to him, he told me that I had to have an abortion because he was not ready for a child yet, he kept on wishing for us to have children. He also gave excuses that we can't have the child because he wanted to follow traditional steps like dowry before having a baby. I told him that I won't have an abortion and if he wasn't ready I am going to bring up the kid alone, and we stopped seeing each other. 
Now he's been calling and texting that he will support the baby, and I still belong to him. What should I do because I later came to discover that after we gave each other space, he went back to a woman whom they had a kid together with, but had separated and were not married? Should I allow him to support the kid after birth or should I ignore him? What should I tell him if he insists on us reconciling?

Whether both of you choose to reconcile or not, your baby is a product of both of you so he has the legitimate right to be part of your baby. 
If you feel that both of you have a future together, if you feel that he has the virtues or the attributes that you desire in your husband, please go ahead and consider him. 
My concern is whether he's mentally, emotionally, and psychologically prepared for marriage, because he seems not to be comfortable with taking the responsibility of a family or the rigours and stress that comes with being married. 
You're the only one who knows what you feel is the best for you, but try your best to be as objective as possible to avoid regrets.

1 comment:

  1. Some times i wish will women should just be smarter. Thank God you didnt have an abortion, cos he was already plotting to return to his former relationship thats the simple truth. he is now indirectly telling you he wont marry you but will accept the baby. well allow him support the baby and move ahead. God help and strengthen you.


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