Good day Ma, may God bless you for the wonderful work you are doing. Ma please I need your advice and that of your fans cause am confused right now, I can't even sleep.
I Am 26 years old, I fell in love with a guy who is a year older than me, I love him so much that I can't control myself but along the line I kept on disturbing him with calls to know how he is doing, all for me to hear that the love I have for him is pure madness, that I behave too childish.
Ma please I need your advice on how to control myself towards him so next time I will be the one telling him the same thing.
Since your genuine intention to reach out to him is pure madness and childish, please desist from calling or checking up on him. He doesn't love you nor does he care about your feelings. He doesn't appreciate your efforts nor does he share the same vision for the relationship with you.
It's time for you to channel this energy towards loving and being kind to yourself. Think of ways to enhance your personality, and channel your energy towards adding value to yourself spiritually, financially, emotionally and mentally.
You don't need a man to be the best of yourself, you need to invest in you to become a better you.
Amara comment...Good advice...............................This information will be very helpful. Have help a lots of cancer and other terminal health challenges people all over the world, well researched products by best brain all over the world.
ReplyDeleteYou do not need to go through all these
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It all started about February 2012 and the first symptoms I started experiencing were non-productive cough and chest pain. I consulted with consultant physicians and ENT surgeons at different hospitals and I was subjected to diverse laboratory investigations, all to no avail. I took several X-rays of the chest and did CT scan of both the chest and the neck. TB tests (acid fast bacill and gene expert), echocardiogram, FNAC (fine needle aspirate cytology) and so on, without anyone being able to make any impression that could suggest what was wrong with me. The cancer had already metastasized to other parts of my body while those investigations were being done.
On 20th June 2013, I was rushed to LASUTH (Lagos State Teaching Hospital) medical emergency on account of severe breathlessness at about 7am. I was given emergency medications to relieve the breathlessness and from my arrival here, I began to make use of artificial oxygen which I was on for one full month, while I was being investigated by different medical teams. Within that period, I was placed on anti-TB drugs following a mentuex test that was carried out on me, which came out positive within durations of 16 minutes.
It was when I was taken to theatre for bronchoscopy and mediasthnoscopy that the cardio-thoracid team discovered the massive metastatic tumor that had obstructed my trachea at the lower third of the trachea. I was then referred to EKO hospital Ikeja for radiotherapy, I had seven courses of radiotherapy at the hospital and I had six courses of chemotherapy at LASUTH. There was a time my platelet count dropped to one (1) and I was losing blood through my nostrils, mouth and I was urinating frank red blood. It was while I was receiving chemotherapy that a doctor friend of mine (Dr. Emmanuel Nsofor) brought Bell Supreme Immune Booster and Japanese Green Tea to me and I began to use them. It was from that moment that I stopped breaking down after every course of chemotherapy and I began to feel strong within in spite of my wasted exterior.
Having realized the efficacy of Bell Products, I started using Curcumin 2000X as well.
Apart from strengthening my immunity and helping me to recover from CANCER OF THE LUNGS. I have not been sick since one year ago that I started using the products inspite of the fact that I used to suffer so often from malaria before my contact with Bell Products. I sincerely thank God Who made it possible for DR THEO ANUCHA MD/CEO of Bell Lifestyle to bring the products to Nigeria.
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This is how some people throw away their luck. Please stop calling him.
ReplyDeletePlease check out my blog