Friday, May 15, 2015

Should she date him or double date?

Am sorry for writing through your message. Please hide my identity and when posted please let me know ma. Am 23 years i want to tell you about my relationship don't know how to go about. I started my relationship last year Dec, but the guy am dating is always telling me that we cant get married but always telling me that he loves me. Please is that true? And secondly should i continue with the relationship or i should double date?

Dear sender
If he said he cannot marry you, then of what purpose is the relationship to you?
If he truly love you as he claimed ,he will not hurt your feelings by telling you that he wont marry you.
True love is one that is mutually beneficial, purposeful and well defined.
All the essential qualities of a healthy relationship are lacking which implies that you are hanging on at your own detriment.


  1. hian!!!! don't double date.break it off! you have not told us his reason for saying so.please break it off.he cant marry u buy wants to suck u dry.

  2. If he won't marry u den please break it,because ur wasting ur time,u u don't end up tomorow blaming him for using u


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