Good day aunty amara.God bless you for your good really touch the lives of people.i sent you a message some days back but you did not publish it.
please publish this one for me i really need a young girl of 24 years.have never believed in dating online before.I like things to happen the natural way until i recently began talking to a guy. I love his personality a lot and he answers every of my questions as am a very inquisitive person and i ask lots of question too. He poses to be a very intelligent man and that is what attracted me to him. I always learn a lot from him and we always engage in meaningful conversations. I actually feel comfortable and relaxed when talking to him. I love intelligent men but I don't always see them. Most of the men i know have their brains wired only on sex and other unserious meaningless things. dont ever add anything to my life.i havnt really met a man with a different reasoning.we havnt really seen sha.we are yet to meet soon but am feeling him am begining to think am falling for him small small.i dont want to make a nuisiance of myself by telling him u think its normal am falling for him without seeing him yet or am just being infatuated?
Am i too fast in my feelings? Do i tell him how i feel or wait?
Dear sender,
There is nothing unnatural about meeting people online. We have online shopping, online education, online counselling, online programme and so forth.
What matters most is who you met and the purpose of such meeting and also the maturity and the intentions of individuals who have taken the decision to meet each other.
However you must take caution and be responsible for such meeting by making sure that it is as safe, sincere, and as open as possible.
In online dating men employ the sense of vision so they pay more attention to your pictures and all your updates and comments.
If your pictures are lovely and beautiful, definitely, they will have the desire to meet you but for ladies, they employ sense of hearing and humor. If he can make her laugh and be safe and free to learn from him, most likely she would long to be with him or meet him. This is natural and we all respond to it in our own way.
However there maybe crisis if the pictures viewed does not represent the true identity of the person. It deflates every excitement the man may have had before embarking on the journey.
For the ladies if he doesn't look like her favourite model or as affluent as possible, she may become confused... Lol
So to help you, it is advisable to wait until expectations meet reality before concluding on what you really share with him and whether to express your feelings for him.
Also being a lady, it's wisdom to allow him say all the heavenly stuff to make you happy and secure while you reciprocate by showing concerns, appreciating him and supporting him in your own little way.
But when you blow the whistle, you may blow up your chances of having him by your side.
Pray and be hopeful, be friendly and sincere and please do not do something that you may regret later in life.
If you are meant for each other, nothing will hinder that.
All the best
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