Monday, July 20, 2015

I'm Noticing Strange Behaviors

My House Help Is Up To 16 years
I Started Noticing Strange Behaviors, Attimes You Send Her on An Erands,  She would Stay for hours before Coming Back, I Have Made Up My Mind To Train Her Since The Mother Is Late
Now She Buys Things Without Telling Me, Phone,shoes Jeweries Etc
Please Help Me
The Dad Is Counting On Me Thank You

Dear sender, 
One of the tendencies of teenagers is the desire to be independent of their superiors and their decision to be discreet and to withhold a lot of information from you. 
This may be as a result of external influence from school and or neighbours. 
One of the ways to checkmate that would be for you to minimise how you send her on errands. 
Being a lady who's naive and vulnerable, you need to be careful that she doesn't end up with pregnancy under your roof. 
For her to start buying cosmetics and handset, I feel that there maybe a relationship budding somewhere. 
So you have to monitor every of her daily activities and limit sending her out especially when it's a bit far or is something you can handle. 
As for having plans to support her in her education, that can be done with ease even if she's not in your house but my major concern is that you give her the attention and support that she needs now so that she doesn't derail from becoming a lady of purpose. 
You may need to be close enough to her and be friendly enough to extract the information that you need from her. 
Please do not apply too much pressure or use of force to avoid hardening her heart to doing evil. 
Pray for her and leave the rest to God. 

1 comment:

  1. Please,get the book, 'KINGDOM PARENTING',by Myles Munroe & Dave Burrows. It will help. In addition,talk to people like:

    4. KEN KATAS

    Google them,reach them on Facebook and Twitter,watch their videos,read their articles,get their books and programs. They have already designed and created programs for effective Parenting and Child/Teen Sexuality Education. You would do well to take advantage of them. For more recommendations,please,feel free to inbox me,or call/sms/Whatsapp 234-7062456233 ‪#Quick‬Downloads™101



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