please ma,post and give me advice on how to treat this issue.
my brother of 26 years old just finished his NYSC awaiting job, is dating a girl in her final year.
He lives with my dad and our last born in three bedroom flat and his girlfriend visits the house and stays up to five days before going back to her house any time she comes.
Got to know through my dad after talking to my brother to stop the act.
my mother is late 'thats why my dad complained to his female children to also talk to him but to my greatest suprise my brother became angry and said that we should not talk to him again on the girl's issue and that any further complain about her will bring division between we his sisters and him.
My dad asked him to go and get married if that was his wish.
To him both of them are disrespecting him by so doing,he said he is not ready to marry now.
I have talked to him he asked me not to try it again.
we are in different states.
Is it to confront the girl or still talk to my brother? Thank you for your kind advice
Dear sender,
The truth is confronting the lady will only expose your family and more to her which I feel is unnecessary.
Secondly you are not in the best position to advise your brother because you do not have authority over him but you are his sibling.
The best person to enforce any decisions or instructions to that effect would be your dad.
But still make out time to talk to him and explain to him why he cannot be bringing a lady to sleep for days in his father's house.
It is an insult to his father's personality and an embarrassment to him especially when he has done nothing on the lady's head.
Plead with him but do not force him to do anything.
If he feels that he is capable to cater for his needs, then renting an apartment would be the best option for him and not to sleep in his father's roof with a lady.
Pray for him and encourage him to begin some skill development program while he seek for job offers.
Let's be hopeful that someday he would understand and do the needful.
It's a sign of disrespect to your father. How can he be committing fornication in his father house. Let him focus on his job hunting since he's not ready for married. Don't clap if you are not ready to dance.