Friday, August 14, 2015

I'm Joking With my Life!

Good day ma thanks for the great job done,am really heartbroken. 
I and my fiancee have dated for three years now. 
I visited him yesterday I went to his bag I saw a pad when he came back I asked,  he said his friend gave him the pad because of his girlfriend I wanted to live with, he pleaded and I forgave him. 
That same time I went through his phone I saw the pictures that he snapped the girl in that house and it was almost a nude pictures,  he pleaded, I wanted to quit the reletionship that very moment because I could not hold myself because of the pains, he pleaded. 
Note I haven't seen him for the past three months due to his work,  he's a soldier and he's the one sponsoring my education and am almost done,he has been promising to come for my introduction since last year up till  now he hasn't said anything. 
He said I can't try to quit the relationship if I do, that am joking with my life. 
I truly love him,  I don't know what to do please am heartbroken,I need your advice. 

Dear sender, 
If you must wine and dine with the devil, please do well to count the cost before signing the deal. 
You knew that he was a chronic cheat, keeping pads for ladies who need them whenever they come visiting. 
You knew that he always caused you pains and disappointments but you decided to eat his cake and then find an excuse to disappear. 
Painful as this may be, you were not ignorant of his attitude and interest in you. 
He sponsored your education so that he could tie your mouth and legs from moving an inch from him. 
This has left you with little or no option than to pray and hope that someday he would change or better still change his mind about you. 
Else any attempt to leave may be a bit unsafe for you and you cannot really encourage him to change since he's the one footing your bills in school. 
Please do find a way to convey your feelings to him especially when he's not upset or in an unstable state of mind. 
Let him know how much you love him and how hurt you were seeing some Lady's business in his room while you hurt and wallow in pains. 
Pray and be patient with him and do well to inform your family and relatives about his threat to your life for information purposes. 
Focus on graduating with flying colours and empowering yourself with the skills and virtues that you need for self reliance and self development. 
Begin now to learn some business and investments that will open doors to financial freedom and independence. 
Let's leave everything to time and God's mercies hoping that someday God will make a way for you and grant you the very desires of your heart. 
It's tool late to regret, all you need now is to surrender unto God Almighty who knows what you need. 

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