Good day aunty Amara, i met a guy during last year's Christmas..
We met at our village fora(facebook party), we fell in love and started dating..
After the Christmas break,we all returned to our various schools, he is 23 and i am 20,.
He schools at unibadan, i school at ansu..
Now the problem is that,since we departed,he stopped caring like before, no chatting,texting ,calling,thing s began to fall apart..
He started using different girl's pictures as his DP..
I tried confronting him and it ended up in our break up..
After some months he started up a chat, we became friends again,but we were not dating, he said we should build up the friendship first..
Maybe distance was a major factor puling us down...
Even up till now, he doesn't call...I love this guy so much, he is intelligent,eve rything I wanted in a man, i just pray it leads to marriage..
Please I don't know if this guy is really worth the wait or i should just move on..
Please i need your advice Aunty and fellow avlites..Thanks
We met at our village fora(facebook party), we fell in love and started dating..
After the Christmas break,we all returned to our various schools, he is 23 and i am 20,.
He schools at unibadan, i school at ansu..
Now the problem is that,since we departed,he stopped caring like before, no chatting,texting
He started using different girl's pictures as his DP..
I tried confronting him and it ended up in our break up..
After some months he started up a chat, we became friends again,but we were not dating, he said we should build up the friendship first..
Maybe distance was a major factor puling us down...
Even up till now, he doesn't call...I love this guy so much, he is intelligent,eve
Please I don't know if this guy is really worth the wait or i should just move on..
Please i need your advice Aunty and fellow avlites..Thanks
Dear sender,
I know that you truly love him but I can't tell if he shares the same commitment with you.
When a man is in love, distance won't hinder him from reaching your heart.
Nothing literally would make him feel like giving up on you or even treating you like you do not exist.
I feel that you may be expecting much more than he could possibly offer to you.
My suggestion would be that you focus on your education and strive to excel in your academics.
First class is up for grabs and I'm convinced that you have all it takes to be the best in life and in your department.
Please do not be discouraged by his cold shoulders to you, I guess he's busy with hunting and you wouldn't blame him for his decision.
If God has destined you to be with him, he would definitely return back to you but for now please love yourself much more by investing in your future.
Study with all your heart, learn a skill that you so much love, give your heart to your passion.
Make yourself happy and be hopeful for the very best in life.
I'm proud of you and I hope you will graduate with flying colours in your department.
Don't expect much frm him @ the poster, he is still in school wit so many distractions, u shld focus on ur studies like Aunty Amara told you. If at d end he comes back for u den u were meant to be but I believe u will still meet a more interesting person wit time, u re still young my dear!
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5. The Test of WORK, by Tekena Ikoko
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14. Social Engineering for Men,by Sola Adio
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That's right dear like I tell other young girls in school, focus first on yourself and then on your studies. Become the best that you can become. Its Ok to date now and then by going to a movie or diner then right home. I have seen to many young girls make the rush of things and I'm sure that is not your intentions. To many became single mothers. Some of these girls did just fine they excel in school and later in business but others ended up living with family and family became their main means of support. You are young and you have come to the right place for advice by coming to Aunty Amara. I also ask that you seek Gods guidance for your life concerning your studies and dating also.