Good afternoon ma. May the Good Lord continue to expand your knowledge. Ma I'm into a relationship, and I love the guy so much. Before I met him, he was in a relationship with many ladies, I knew he wanted to play me and leave. But along the line, he fell in love with me due to many things we've been through together. He decided to meet my parents to show that he is genuine, after then, he proposed to me and I accepted. But my problem with him is that, all those girls he was dating before me, he's still so much in touch with them. He locks his phone always so that I don't have access to it. The few moment I saw his chats, he used to tell them that he is still single and that he is searching for the right woman.
I felt heart broken and when I confronted him, he said it was just a joke that he didn't mean it. We are keeping a relationship without sex, cos he said he won't touch me till we marry. But I do feel he can't hold himself, maybe that's why he is looking for a sex partner out there. He is always chatting even when I'm there with him. He gives me little or no attention. I don't really know if I should still continue with him. I have this feeling that he is still playing me. Cos he hide things from me too much. Please I need advice.
A lie is never a joke no matter how funny it may sound to the ear. When a man denies a relationship, the relationship is as good as dead in his heart because you cannot love someone and at the same time lie against your love.
If he has so many secret or so many things to hide from you, what then is intimate about your relationship? What it then means is that you are hanging out with a stranger with many promises but no identity.
Whether you give him sex or not, a man who truly respects your emotions will not cheat on you and even leave the traces for you to know about his exploitation.
I am not in the best position to decide what's best for you because I have no idea what both of you passed through that made you fall deeply in love with him but I hope and pray that it will be strong enough to put you through his glaring shortcomings and lifestyle.
If you know that you cannot cope with his lifestyle and you cannot endure some of his attitude, please do not let his ring deceive you into accepting a lifetime of marital agony.
Marital agony is NEVER an accident. Please,avoid it. Love is not enough to make marriage work. What love did,a bad CHARACTER can undo. NEVER TRUST THE WORDS OF AN UNFAITHFUL MAN - they are as unfaithful as him. Love without wisdom,is Poison garnished with Foolishness. Be wise!
Recommended DOWNLOADS to get:
*1. The 12 Tests of Love, by Tekena Ikoko
*2. Who Should I Marry?,by Kingsley Okonkwo
*3. Destiny Mismatch,by Sam Oye
*4. Before You Say 'I DO',by Sam Oye
*5. Before You Say 'I DO'(1,2,3),by Olumide Emmanuel
*6. Two(2) Kinds of Husbands,by Fela Durotoye
*7. Is He Into Me,Or Does He Want To Get Into Me,by Steve Harris
*8. Resolving Conflicts In Relationships,by Poju Oyemade
*9. Preparing for Marriage,by Tumise Ewedemi
*10. Finding Your Life Partner,by Joseph Prince
*11. How To Find True Love,by Pastor Bankie
*12. The Rules of Engagement,by Ezekiel Atang
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