Good morning aunty Amara and the house at large. Please aunty, I will be 29 while my younger will be 27 this year. Please aunty this is really weighing us down both spiritually and physically. We are not into any serious relationship as I'm writing to you now.
We have been praying seriously hoping on God to bless us with our destined husbands. Please aunty we really want to settle down. I have had suitors while I was in school, between the age of 20 to 24 years, men were coming but then I wasn't ready to settle down because I wanted to finish school.
Aunty since I graduated there has been no serious relationship. Please aunty we need your prayer and the house at large. Thank you and God bless you.
I feel that this mail is very apt for me to talk about something that concerns understanding the times and God's purpose for your life as a lady.
We must tell ourselves the truth that a lady is like a beautiful flower that sprouts with bright colours and fades even before the end of the evening.
While men can play around, sleep around and settle down at 40 or 50 years of age, a lady cannot attempt such and that's the uniqueness of life.
From the cradle, God gave every lady the instincts of motherhood and a help meet to a man. You see her pampering her teddy bears, sweeping the house, washing, and preparing sand meal and every mother knows that someday her daughter will bring someone and desire to live with him for the rest of her life. These are facts and realities of life.
From primary to secondary, everyone seems to notice how she's growing and developing and at a point becomes shy of her body changes; the sprouting of her breast and the enlargement of her hips and the likes. And then boyfriend?
What a taboo, God forbid, over my dead body,and he's stupid.
You see ladies cursing and making all the busy bodies but unknown to them that the time is ticking, they spend much time gisting and gossiping, then spend more time watching movies and making up.
They're competing with men I guess. When they enter the university, they now begin to list out the qualities of a perfect man, one that doesn't fart or one that is not broke, tall, huge, handsome and very nice (that's synonymous to being rich). They spend time mocking real men who have genuine vision and purpose for the relationship simply because they feel that he doesn't look like the perfect man.
After all they're in school and they've planned their life, from school, to masters and then work before getting married, of course not any kind of man but the type that controls the universe and protects them from touching the sand.
Why work hard when I'm a graduate they ask and why should I settle for a chewing gum man when I can go for an oil worker?
And once they hit 30, of course they are already in the church seeking for prophesies and prayers, pastors who don't have any job will then tell you how you have contracted spiritual husband and how you had three children for him and by the time you would have spent so much for deliverance you would be settling for anything but the perfect man.
Many beautiful ladies missed their husbands because they were careless with the opportunities that they had while they were younger and insensitive to God's grace.
Some out of greed, some out of selfishness, some out of laziness, some out of the influence of their friends, relatives and families. They were not willing to sacrifice their comfort to build a relationship that will stand the test of time so they ended up as rags in the hands of men.
Why did I decide to write about this you may ask? As a lady you must be so so close to God that you don't miss your husband because of some of the vain excuses that some give.
Take for instance some who will reject their suitors because of education, is education important, absolutely yes and is marriage necessary for you (it's left for you to decide). If you desire to marry and perhaps suitors come when you are in school, instead of pushing him away, I would suggest that you negotiate with him and agree on what's workable for you instead of pushing him off your life.
Some will say that if he's not rich and responsible, no marriage. Now let me ask, how do you hope to help him? What is he doing today and how responsible is he today? Does he have great prospect and vision for his life and do you see him becoming someone great in the future? If yes, instead of giving him conditions, why not agree to work with him and help him achieve your vision together?
I know you will start defending yourself and becoming all negative but every man is not evil and same with ladies and if as a lady you have started preparing your heart for marriage and you have started praying for your partner, there is every possibility that you can discern a man who God has ordained for you from one who's after your body.
From 18 years of age, every lady should be aware of her personality and her choices in life. She should know who she is and what life entails and irrespective of the challenges of life or her limitations, she should begin to spiritually, emotionally and psychologically prepare herself for the kind of future that she desires.
As a lady your duty is to prepare for marriage and allow God to perfect your desire by giving you the man after his own heart but when you leave God out of your plans, well I can only pray that God will show mercy and give you the desires of your heart.
I pray for discerning spirit and a humble heart so that you don't end up as a casualty of wrong decisions in your marriage that is if you hope to experience marriage.
Sender: I pray that God will grant the very desires of your heart and bless you with the man after God's heart.
Please do not be discouraged or depressed but choose to give love and affect lives positively. Go out and live, quit existing and feeling lonely. There's so much space for you to shine and smile. You may begin from your church to any purposeful seminars and programmes that will develop you as a lady and make you stand out from the rest. By his grace and mercy, I believe that you shall locate your husband in no distant future.
God will hear your prayers. Also do the needful like looking presentable always, be it at church or wherever, try go for functions because that's where you meet people and people will meet you, then if you're in a city where recreational parks are, make out time during the weekends to go to parks and live life. You both will surely get your life partners destined for you. Amen. You shouldn't regret your decision to finish your education before settling down for everything in our lives happens for a reason.