Good evening ma .. Please ma, I don't know what to do in my relationship. My boyfriend wants to marry me, but the issue is that he is from Rivers state(Andoni), and also from a polygamous home..
My parents are against it because my elder sister is also married to a Rivers man .. My parents especially my mum is saying her two daughters can't get married to Rivers men.. And her other fear is that, my boyfriend's step mum may get to fight our marriage spiritually later in the future, because she fears she may be diabolic ..
Please ma, I need your advice .. Thanks and God bless
Your mother's views may sound good to the ear but it has no value when it comes to choosing who to marry. This is not your mother's journey but your own, so endeavour to carry out proper investigation on his personality before getting married to him.
A child coming from a polygamous home doesn't in any way mean that the child will be polygamous in the future. Polygamous homes is the making and the decision of the father and not the creation of the children.
That two sisters from one mother got married to men from the same state of Origin is not a taboo, in fact two brothers from one womb can still marry from one family as long as there is no blood ties between the couple.
It is wrong to make false accusations against an individual when there's no evidence to support such claim. That a lady is a second wife doesn't mean that she's diabolic, and it will be dangerous to make such assumptions simply because she wants to discourage you from getting married to your partner.
Even if she's diabolical as your mother claimed, it doesn't entirely mean that her lifestyle will affect your marriage.
The most important person who's attitude and personality matters most is the man that desires to marry you. If he has all the qualities and virtues that you need in your husband, if he's mentally, emotionally, psychologically, financially, and spiritually prepared for marriage, if he has personal relationship with God and understand divine principles of marriage, and he's willing to grow in love with you in all circumstances and conditions of life, I do not see the reason why you shouldn't consider him.
You need to wake up and let your mother know that you are not confused or a baby who doesn't know what she wants. Let your mother understand that what matters most is not his state of origin but his state of mind and his personality. Let your mother understand that both of you getting married to a man from the same state of origin will make omugwo(taking care of a nursing mother) easier for her (lol)
In all, do not allow anyone to push you into getting married to a man that you're comfortable with to avoid regrets in future.
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