Good evening ma,
Anytime I ask my boyfriend to come and see my parent he will be like this is not the time and I said okay
I am a virgin and he said he is scared to marry me,
maybe I won't be able to satisfy him as he want, and I told him I don't know yet because I haven't tasted it before.
This is a guy I don't want to lose but am scared I might end up marrying him and won't be able to satisfy him
I need your advice please
Anytime I ask my boyfriend to come and see my parent he will be like this is not the time and I said okay
I am a virgin and he said he is scared to marry me,
maybe I won't be able to satisfy him as he want, and I told him I don't know yet because I haven't tasted it before.
This is a guy I don't want to lose but am scared I might end up marrying him and won't be able to satisfy him
I need your advice please
Are both of you in this relationship or are you the one begging to be married? The tone of your mail suggests that you are the one dating him and pushing him into getting married to you.
Truth is that no matter how inexperienced anyone might be in sexual matters, once the mind is open to learn and explore, the body will naturally yield to the rhythm of your passion.
Before biology class men figured out that a lady makes him feel aroused, and before basic science ladies had feelings for cute, neat, and romantic boys. It is not experience that makes sex enjoyable, it's understanding your body, and allowing your partner to appreciate your body in a manner that gives you a better understanding of what goes on in his mind.
Sometimes some men who feel that an inexperienced lady won't satisfy them end up being the one unable to satisfy her, and then suspect that she has been doing stuff with other men.
My major concern is his attitude and perhaps his vision towards the relationship. I am of the opinion that you give him some space and allow him to decide what he really want in life.
If you want to learn more about sex, use the search box on the blog to search for all the articles I've written about sex, penis, vagina, and sex related issues.
Being a virgin is not a curse but a choice to discipline your desire, and to honor God and your husband with your purity.
If he's not cool with you, please bid him goodbye and prayerfully prepare yourself for your own husband.
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