Wondering how I came about this name? I was as confused as you are until I made up my mind to ask questions. A friend of mine was constantly introducing me to people as “that woman who introduced me to water therapy”. She explained to me.
Years back, I had to step into the home of this friend. There was so much trouble in her marriage. She got to the point where she had to leave the house several times in a month. But like I always say; whatever is of God stands the test of time.
After prayers and counseling, I decided to use what I was taught in psychology class by Dr. Mrs. Omoegun.
She told us how she was able to put an end to years of conflict and rage in a family. According to her, this woman came complaining bitterly about the husband’s violent nature. Dr. Mrs. Omoegun noticed the woman had a problem with her tongue. As a counselor, she had to devise a means to change her and restore peace to her home.
I know some men are naturally violent and batter a woman even without her uttering a word. Don’t tell me this is not possible because I've come across such men at one point or the other. When you are in a relationship with this kind of man, he beats you when you talk and when you make up your mind not to talk, he concludes you are indirectly calling him a fool by ignoring him. Life is hell when you are with a man like this.
Inasmuch as I know and publicly declare that any man who raises his hands on a woman is nothing but a coward, I still have to remind us that there are times we push our men so hard with our mouth that they are forced to manifest that side of them. You know what I'm talking about.
Natural intelligence is different from academic intelligence. You can acquire all the degrees in the world and still remain a fool and an illiterate. Haven’t you seen someone who dropped out of school write better than a university graduate? You need to ask God for the wisdom that flows from Him alone.
My lecturer asked the woman to see her the next day because she was going to a native doctor on her behalf. Gladly, she went home believing she was going to make the husband a zombie like so many African women (I don’t know how true this insinuation is).
The next day, the woman gave her a white pebble she picked from the beach with a red cloth tied to it. She told her to always run into the room and get the stone whenever her husband begins to nag in the house. The juju man said it would become powerless if she ever nagged. She told her to do it for one month after which she reported back to her.
The woman went back after one month thanking her for what she gave her while narrating how calm and gentle the husband suddenly became. That was when she realized that it was just an ordinary piece of red cloth tied on an ordinary pebble, nothing fetish.
Back to my friend’s story, I told her to always run to the tap and fill her mouth with water whenever the husband was talking as that would teach her meekness - Internal Shock Absorber. This is the greatest virtue anybody will ever have. Meekness is not weakness; it is strength under control. She must not swallow the water. This she practiced for some time until she got used to it that she no longer responds when he is angry. Today there is peace in her home.
Like a friend recently told me, when you are a career woman, you must keep it balanced your home. In the office, you are the boss, but once you get to the entrance of your house, it is advisable to remove the apparel of a boss and wear that of a mother and wife.
I want you to check yourself: Has your husband been beating you because of your inability to gain control over your mouth? Are you one of those foolish women who have their mouth running without control? Don’t get it twisted; your voice must be heard in your home. You are his wife, not his slave. He is the president of that institution, you are the vice-president while your children are board members. It is the duty of your husband to carry you along in everything, decision making inclusive. But, if peace fails to achieve it, insults and quarrels won’t.
It is better to live on the top of a roof than in the same house with a nagging woman. Dear husband, help her not to be a nagging wife. A good number of women nag when it’s like the man isn’t listening to them. Listen to your wife; she is your partner, not your slave. If you begin to see your wife as a friend instead of a subordinate; if you try to understand the complex nature of women, you will enjoy your marriage with her.
Like a guy once wrote, instead of becoming Mike Tyson when she nags, just plant a kiss on those lips. Sometimes, she nags because she wants to be loved more. Readhttp://www.amaraofficial.com/2016/02/sex-healing-power.html
Whether Bishop or President, every woman complains when she feels ignored or misunderstood; I do, but what makes the difference is the ability of the to assure me of his undying support and my trusting him to do something about the situation. Does your wife trust you? That could be her reason for nagging. Your wife is a woman, you are a man. Understand your woman's personality. Have it in mind that a woman who does not complain when things are not right is often more dangerous. It could also mean that she has given up on you.
Real men don't sit and exchange words with a woman; they change location - from the bedroom to living room, and then return when its calm. Better still, use this strategy - Give her a hug when she tries to talk and explain things to her when she calms down. Again, don't always see her worries as nag; listen to her and do something towards her fear. If you make her understand that you heard her and she sees you doing something to change things, she won't go on nagging. Never hit a woman, only cowards do.
Marriage is exciting.
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