Friday, February 3, 2017

Signs That You Are Sexually Attracted to Him.

Good morning ma, more grace. Please ma I have this issue bordering me.
How do one know if you're sexually attracted to your would be spouse? Thanks.

Signs that you're sexually attracted to your spouse

» When you hear his voice, or talk with him, you connect with him and feel emmm funny talking with him. Connection is very important for attraction to take place.

» Your longing to talk to him, share some irrelevant things with him like how you forgot to remind him that there was no light in your area, or how the dust tampered with your earpiece. You know those irrelevant things you want to tell him, they're all because you wish to bond with him.

» Though you're in a no sex before marriage kind of relationship, you're not worried when his hands accidentally touch your breast or your buttocks. That is a sign that you're comfortable with him and his instruments. 

» Though you don't wish to unravel the product before the time, but a little kiss or little touching won't be bad. That's a sign that you accept him in totality. 

» Sometimes when you're with him, your clitoris begins to dance, and you get wet seeing his charming smile and face. Well, men don't know about that, but we do. That's a major sign that you're attracted to him and your hormones desire his hormones. 

» The breast enlarges, the nipples gets hardened, you naturally get weak, and defenseless, and it seems as though he's an exception to all your rules and walls. 

When you feel that way, maybe you should give him some space to avoid unprepared explosion. 

These are some of the signs that you're sexually attracted to your spouse, though it may vary from one lady to another. 
Do you think that you're attracted to him?

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