Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How Do We Handle Fertility Issues?

Good day ma,
I am in a relationship of three years now with my fiancé, we are almost living like husband and wife because she comes to my house at will and stays as long as she wants.
We have been very helpful to each other and presently running a business together and the business is going to two years now.
The problem we are facing at the moment is her fertility issues. When we first met, she was having some issues concerning her menstruation, it wasn't flowing well and at a stage it stopped totally.
For the past two year she has never seen her period and ovulation is nor coming too, we have gone from one fertility doctor to another, spent lots of money. At a stage they said it's spiritual things, and we have visited so many churches to know if she can get healing, we have prayed and prayed about this. She has drank so many herbs but nothing is changing. I feel pains seeing her in this condition because she is going through a lot to restore her menstruation and work on her fertility as well. Financially I can't estimate the amount that has been spent on this.

To be very honest she is a very lovely lady, intelligent, hardworking, beautiful, prayerful, she is got all the good qualities, though we all got our shortcomings. I am heading to middle thirties and she is in her early thirties and she has a male kid.

She has been asking me to go see her parents for us to settle down as a familiy but because of those things concerning her fertility, I am being reluctant about it. I was thinking it would have been sorted out by now for us to move to the next stage.
She has been asking me to remain patient with her, that she will be okay and give birth

From my side, my family is pushing me to settle down and start building my own family because I am the only child and my parents are not taking it easy with me now. I can understand them perfectly because I am the link to the next generation.

I have never been this confused because on one side is a woman I love and care about her feelings, and on the other side is my position in my family as the only child and my parents who I love so much and care about as well.

Hello ma,
Put yourself in her position and also my position and advise me.

There is no infirmity or malfunction in human body that is a threat to God's power and love. I understand your concerns and I will not encourage you to ignore them because you are in love with her. 
I wouldn't know if you have visited fertility centers in Lagos or Oyo states, but I will suggest that you consider both options for medical interventions. 
If she gave birth before now, then I am very positive that she can give birth again, against the plots of the devil. 
However, if after all  medical interventions she's unable to menstruate or ovulate, and your love/faith isn't sufficient to consider marriage with her, please consider terminating the relationship with her. 
It is best to be honest and truthful to your own conviction than to get married and then feel frustrated and crushed by your own decisions. 
I know that you genuinely love her but you must be honest to what you want in your marriage, and go for it. 
I know that prayers changes situations, I also know that God heals, but I am not the one to infuse such conviction in your mindset. 
If you are not genuinely convinced that both of you can win this battle, please do not marry her because you may end up crushing her emotions. 

1 comment:

  1. Nothing impossible with God, but while you wait on God, bot of u should do the right thing. You can't be fornicating and visiting churches for healing, Marriage is for better or worse, if infertility is making you think twice then you aren't ready to marry.


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